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Local Author Releases Second Novel

Friends, family, fans join Glenview's Jackie Pilossoph for book launch party at Flight.

a Glenview native and author, celebrated the release of her second novel with supporters last Wednesday night at in the Glen. The novel, "Jackpot!", comes a little over a year after her first novel, "Hook, Line and Sink Him" hit shelves.

"Jackpot!" tells the story of a brother and sister, both single and childless, who are offered $8 million by their desperate-to-be-a-grandmother mom if they can settle down and produce a grandchild within the year. Of course, complications and hilarity ensue.

"It feels so much more relaxed," said Pilossoph when discussing what it is like to have a second novel on the shelves. "I feel more confident as an author. I sort of made a name for myself with the first book and now just feel more at ease with the whole thing."

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Pilossoph, whose father survived lung cancer, decided to donate partial proceeds from the evening to the , which strives to improve lung cancer survival rates, ensure a higher quality of life for lung cancer patients and provide a community for those impacted by lung cancer. Several vendors joined Pilossoph for the event raising money for the organization.

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